Sunday, August 31, 2008



Politics rules the world. But, now-a-days politics pollutes the world. Misery, strife and war are all the byproducts of wrong political action. Great men formulated ideologies for facilitating the smooth functioning of state machinery. The state has always been a tool for suppressing the masses. The great philosophers and statesmen tried to transform the structure and functions of the state machinery for the welfare of the people. But they were not given due respect by us and hence the very ideologies which were meant for the good of the masses serve the opposite function. The politicians are considered to be the custodians of the various ideologies. But , in general, they are serving themselves at the expense of the vast majority of the people.They are selfish, cunning and very prone to bribery. It is the thirst for power that guides them. It is true that some fall prey to it just because of competition that exists among individuals and among ideologies. In almost all countries political action for the welfare of the people has become so demoralized that it is meant for the welfare of the political parties concerned. All revolts against this trend are either neutralized by the ruling class or are absorbed by the very same class against which the revolts originated. Such is the sorry state of political action for the time being. The mankind hopes that a better political vision will take birth after imbibing all the virtues of the past. In this political vision there should come the spiritual content and the whole movement should be guided by spiritual masters. Then only we will have the far sightedness to see the pit falls in advance. If there is such a vision poverty will be alleviated; hatred and war will be vanished and people will able to enjoy freedom and man could overcome his own limitations to a great extent.

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