Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sitting still and doing nothing

Sitting still and doing nothing

The great Tao masters have told us a lot a bout this great phenomenon. It means

a state of inner serenity combined with an intense aesthetic awareness. Sit erect and at the same time be comfortable. Watch your breath and take one or two deep breath. Within seconds you will come to know that the speed of thoughts coming and going will be reduced and slowly you will be in a state of thoughtlessness. If at that time you hear the tolling of a bell or fluttering of a Bird's wings or something like that you can just enjoy that experience. There will be no judgement or any kind of negation or criticism. This state of awareness is really a great thing. So sit still and do nothing. Be aware of the working of your inner self and also of the outer world.
Some may raise a doubt as to whether this is promoting laziness . No, here the person is not at all lazy. He is innately active. He can do anything in such a state of mind. Here the individual consciousness and the cosmic consciousness are one and the same. Or there is a bridge between the two. If he acts now, it will be an action ; not a reaction at all. The pertinent question at this juncture is whether one can always be in such a statte of mind. The question is unquestionably valid.

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